Our Current Rescue Kids Photos #3


Sylvie is Josie's sister. A very timid, small cat. Her face is a little lopsided where it had to be put back together after what the vet thinks someone hit her with a blunt instrument.


Timmie is my three legged "kid". I caught him after three days of
nerve-wracking chasing this tiny kitten with a bad limp. Finally borrowed a safe trap and baited it with tuna. That night I caught him and discovered one of his hind feet was missing. The vet had to amputate to the hip. He's 5 now and gets along just fine (with a little help from Mom (me).


Jasmine came in as a baby and is completely neurotic. She lives on top of the kitchen cabinets, hanging over the edge glaring at anyone who dares come near HER cabinets. Ever since a baby she's had to come and check on me at about 3:00 AM to make sure I was still breathing. She'll look in my face, meow and I swear she's got a little mirror to check for breath, then when she's sure I'm still alive she goes back up to her cabinets.


Brandywyne  passed over the Rainbow Bridge at the age of 15. She's pictured here after surgery for a dislocated ankle. As a puppy she was the only survivor of a parvo epidemic, later in life had to have a toe amputated and the vet thought she had Von Willibrands. Through it all she was always smiling as you can see by her picture and she is terribly missed


This is the latest "child".  His name is Ranger because he was found under a Ford Ranger truck in the middle of a rainstorm, inches away from road construction.  You can see he wasn't in such good shape when he was found, about 3 weeks old and sickly.  The second picture is a  little while later after a lot of TLC.



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