Cat  Paintings  #1

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4 Siamese Kittens 16 x 20


16 x 20 Tree Siamese

11 x 14 White Cat

12 x 16  Abby
Red Abysinnian

12 x 16 canvas on hardboard 3 Siamese Kittens

11 x 14 "Yum"


11 x 14 Basset and Siamese kitten


11 x 14  Basket Kitty


5 x 7 canvas panel of Timmie as a baby. He had to have one leg amputated but gets along just fine at 5 years old. If you go to the rescue photos pages you'll see his picture as a beautiful full grown boy.

9 x 11 Gemu, a commissioned painting


" Hi Mom"

Momma cat and her adorable baby 8 X 10 canvas panel.



9 x 11 3 faces of Bram, a commissioned painting


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